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Accreditation Self-study Committees
(CCBC Middle States Accreditation Self-study Committees)
  • Year 1993: "Teaching & Learning Environment- Classroom Environment" Committee:

    The task of this committee was to study and determine whether CCBC's teaching & learning environment facilities were conducive to teaching and learning, and whether that environment was in fact in accordance with the stated missions and goals, (Educational Goals/Philosophy and Instructional Goals/Purpose), of our College.

    As a member of this committee I participated in the collection of facts, analysis, evaluation, and reporting phases of the task assigned to the committee.

    As tools for the analysis, this committee used current and previous editions of the College Catalogs, Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education: Standards for Accreditation (MSA), and responses from college-wide student and faculty questionnaires. This Committee also visited each classroom/lab used for teaching & learning at CCBC.

    This committee submitted a 48 page report and all of the questionnaires used during the analysis phase, to be included in CCBC's 1996 Middle States Self Study/Evaluation Report. This committee's report contained the committee's findings, statistical results of the questionnaires, and detailed recommendations about how to improve the teaching and learning environment at CCBC.

    The committee membership, as given in the report itself, is shown here.


  • Year 2004: "Standard 6: Integrity" Committee:

    Standard 6 reads as follows: "In the conduct of its programs and activities involving the public and constituencies it serves, the institution demonstrates adherence to ethical standards and its own stated policies, providing support for academic and intellectual freedom".

    As the chair of this committee, I participated in collection of data, analysis, evaluation, and reporting phases of the task assigned to this committee.

    As tools for analysis, the committee studied all CCBC informational documents/sources, such as Students' Handbook, Faculty contracts, CCBC's website, administrative processes/policies, etc. The task was to determine if each document/source clearly defines the standard/proper conduct for its constituents.

    The committee also studied all CCBC evaluation forms/surveys, such as Students Opinion Survey, Program Evaluations, Faculty Evaluation, and Administration Evaluation.

    This committee submitted a report containing its findings and its recommendations about revisions to CCBC's informational sources (handbook, contracts, website, etc). The report also contained the committee's recommendations about revisions to evaluation forms/surveys, making them more effective evaluation tools for the College.

    A copy of the report which I submitted for the Standard 6: Integrity Committee is provided here.

    A summary of the report for Standard 6: Integrity Committee is provided here.



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