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IT Grant Proposals

For about two decades, Variable Stipend (ACT 131-II) was the major source of funding for Technology curricula offered through our College. The Technology faculty were expected to help to secure that source of funding for CCBC by preparing extensive proposals.

As a Technology faculty member, I have been involved in preparation of many Variable Stipend grant proposals for all the Curricula offered through CIS/Telecom Dept. As a sample, the following list provides the proposals I completed for fiscal Year 2001-2002:



  • Computer Programming Fiscal Year-2001-2002:

Described how the hands-on activities included in the each course in Computer Programming curriculum are designed to develop technical skills needed for the students to find jobs as Visual Basic Programmer, C++ Programmer, or Database Administrator after their graduation from CCBC.

A copy of the proposal submitted for Computer Programming Fiscal Year-2001-2002 is provided here.



  • Networking Fiscal Year 2001 -2002:

Described how the hands-on activities included in each course included in the Networking curriculum are designed to develop technical skills needed for the students to find jobs in PC repair or network administration after their graduation from CCBC.

A copy of the proposal submitted for Networking Fiscal Year-2001-2002 is provided here.



  • Web Master Fiscal Year-2001-2002 :

Described how the hands-on activities included in the each course offered through the Web Master curriculum were designed to develop technical skills needed for the students to find jobs as Web Developer, Web Designer, Web Database Administrator after their graduation from CCBC.

A copy of the proposal submitted for Web Master Fiscal Year-2001-2002 is provided here.



  • Total Received Variable Stipend Funds: 1995-2000 :

    Variable Stipend grant proposals were due every five years, and Technology faculty were expected to complete all the relevant forms for submission by the college. The earlier grants provided the college with $1,200 per FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) student, for each year, for a period of 5 years. Later grants provided $1,500 per FTE. The received funds were supposed to be used cover the expenses of Technology curricula offered through CCBC.

    I was responsible for the completion of the Variable Stipend grant proposals for the years 1990, 1995, 2000.

    A table showing the Total Received Variable Stipend Funds for 1995-2000 is provided here.




  • Thank You Email from Business and Tech Division Director :

As an appreciation for my work in completing Variable Stipend grant forms , I received a "Thank You" email from Karen Hall, Business and Technology Division Director, stating the importance of this grant source for operation of Technology programs.

The copy of the email is available here.

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