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  • Presentation Location: NISOD 25th annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, 2003, Austin Texas, Organized by University of Texas, USA.


  • Title and Description of the Presention:

Bits and Bytes: Who Knows the Difference?

"Learn how to determine if students have the knowledge to “test out” of introductory computer courses. This session will describe how to administer a simple computerized assessment test that is designed to measure general computer knowledge. Learn how to use this practical screening tool to prepare students for CLEP exams. Proper evaluation of placement methods will be discussed."


Presenter: Heidie McCauley, Associate Professor, Community College of Beaver County (PA)


  • Presentation Catagory: Technology

  • Session Type: Breakout

  • Date and Time: Wednesday May 28, 2003, 8:00-9:00 a.m.


(Source: NISOD 25th annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellent, 2003, Pages 74 & 76.)



  • Goals, Objectives, and Process of the Presentation:

I researched, analyzed, designed, and compiled a computerized assessment software tool called CKAT (Computer Knowledge Assessment Test) in Spring 2001. CKAT was an assessment software tool which was compiled using on of the Course Technology's (a publishing company) Test-banks. Using CKAT, a student could very easily determine if he has the general knowledge to successfully "Test Out" of BD150 Introduction to Computers course.


CKAT was installed on one of the computers at CCBC's Learning Center for about 5 years. Judy Zurga, one of CCBC Tutors at Learning Center was assigned to be the CKAT Test Administrator . The Counselors required students to submit their CKAT results, before allowing them to sign up for Credit by Examination for BD150 Intro to computers.


In addition to the development of the CKAT, I developed set of manuals about how to use my CKAT software. The following highlighted items provide a copy of User Manuals (used by the students) and the Test Administrator's Manual (used by Judy Zurga)at CCBC:


  1. Student Manual

  2. Student Practice Session Manual

  3. Test Administrator Manual


  • CKAT as an Educational Shareware:

Having had success with using CKAT at CCBC, I decided to share what I had developed with other educators at NISOD 2003. At the end of my presentation I provided the educators who attended my session with a CD containing the CKAT software tool, and both of the manuals.










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