Heidie Ganjineh Hutchinson, MSIS
Professor/Consultant Information Technology
NISOD 2013
Presentation Location: NISOD 35th annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, 2003, Austin Texas, Organized by University of Texas, USA.
Title and Description of the Presention:
Not on My Network You Don’t! May I Try This?
"Discover how two community college technology faculty members and the VP for IT Department created a user-friendly, mobile teaching/learning environment for their technology students."
Presenters: Carl Dennis, Assistant Professor, Heidie Hutchinson, Associate Professor, and Walter Lukhaup, Vice President Information Technology, Community College of Beaver County (PA)
Presentation Catagory: Technology
Session Type: Breakout
Date and Time: Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 2:15-3:00 p.m.
(Source: NISOD 35th annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellent, 2013, Pages 36 & 58)
Goals, Objectives, and Process of the Presentation:
During the academic year 2011-2012, I worked with Walter Lukhaup, (VP for IT at CCBC), and Carl Dennis, (Cyber Security full-time faculty at CCBC), to develop a new IT Teaching/Learning Tool. This IT Teaching/Learning Tool consisted of an external Linux Server, with LAMP stack configurations. This tool allows Technology faculty and students to have a mobile Linux server without creating any threats to the security of CCBC's campus wide network.
During Fall of 2012, I used our new teaching/learning tool for the the first time, in my CISW101 Web Scripting Languages class. This new IT Teaching/Learning Tool increased students interest in the Class and it caused an increase of 38.69% in students success rate. It also, increases students attendance and class participation by 43.228%.
Having had success with our new IT Teaching/Learning Tool, Walter, Carl and I decided to present our new technology at NISOD 2013.
A copy of our PowerPoint Presentation is available here.
A copy of Conference Program 2013 is available here.
Our Teaching/Learning Tool as Shareware:
The educators attending our presentation were encouraged to contact me in order to get an extranal hard drive containing our unique Unix configuration which I had used in my classes.