Heidie Ganjineh Hutchinson, MSIS
Professor/Consultant Information Technology
Sample Students' Final Projects/Achieving Stated Course Outcome
A. A Computer Number Guessing Game: An Interactive Web Application:
This is one of the most recent Final Projects in my CISW101 Web Scripting Languages course in Fall 2013. This project was completed by Shane Kastler, a first-semester student, and is an excellent example of a student work for this course.
As Final Project for this course each student is required to create a Menu Web Application providing links to their completed Web Applications, which they have completed each week throughout the Semester. Normally there are a total of 10 Weekly Projects and a Final Project. Also, in this course, each student is asked to use the web programming skills he/she has learned to develop a web application in the area of his/her interest, as an Extra Credit.
Note: Make sure you scroll down at Shane's Menu interface and to try his Extra Credit which is a number guessing game, developed using HTML, CCS, and JavaScript.
Access to Shane's Final Project is available here.
B. CCBC Fine Art Club: An E-Commerce Application:
This is one of the most recent Final/Portfolio Projects in my CISW210 E-Commerce Applications course in Fall 2012. This project was completed by Kristina Gray, a student completing her last semester at CCBC.
For their Final Project, each student is required to "Design and Implement an Electronic Storefront" based on the criteria provided in the Final Project, as well as meeting the requirements provided in the Cultural Literacy Rubric provided for them, both in the CISW210 E-Commerce Applications course syllabus and the Final Project's requirements.
Kristina's Project is an excellent sample of a student's work for CISW210 E-Commerce Applications, demonstrating how the student has used the skills she has gained in this course in analyzing, evaluating, and developing E-Commerce websites.
Make sure you use the Google Translate App on Kristina's website to convert the website's text content to other languages.
Access to Kristina's final project is available here.
C. General Computer Skill: Using the Web as Research Tool and Using Microsoft Office as a Productivity Tool:
This is one of the most recent Final/Portfolio Projects in my CIST100 Introduction to Information Technology course in Fall 2013. This project was completed by Joshua Martz, a student completing his first semester at CCBC.
In this course, for their Mid-Term/Portfolio Project (Part 1) each student is required to find the answers for a set of given questions using only the World Wide Web as the source. Also, for their Final/Portfolio Project (Part 2) each student is required to create integrated projects using Microsoft Office as the software productivity tool. These two projects are designed to meet the requirements provided in the Technology Literacy Rubric in the CIST100 Introduction to Information Technology course syllabus.
Joshua's Portfolio Project is an excellent sample of a student's work for CIST100 Introduction to Information Technology, demonstrating how the student has used the skills he has gained in this course in using the Web as a research source, preparing educational and commercial reports using Microsoft Office as a software productivity tool.
Access to Joshua's Mid-Term/Portfolio(Part 1) Project is available here.
Access to Joshua's Final/Portfolio(Part 2) Project is available here.
D. An E-Commerce Application: Electronic Catalog and Shopping Cart:
This is one of the most recent Final/Portfolio Projects in my CISW205 Programming in C# course in Spring 2013. This project was completed by Hilary Shames, a student completing her third semester at CCBC.
For their Final/Portfolio Project, each student is required to design and develop an application in the area of their interest using C# as the programming language and Microsoft Visual Studios.Net as the application development environment.
The Final/Portfolio is designed to meet the requirements provided in the Scientific/Quantitative Reasoning Rubric in the CISW205 Programming in C# course syllabus.
Hilary's Portfolio Project is an excellent sample of a student's work for CISW205 Programming in C#, demonstrating how the student has used the skills she has gained in this course in designing, developing, and testing and debugging a software application.
The file containing the screens generated by Hilary's Final/Portfolio Project is available here: