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Students Assessments of Course Instruction/Improve Teaching

Students opinion survey has been conducted in my classes periodically during my 29 years of teaching at our college. CCBC Human Resources has provided the Tenure and Promotion Committee with the statistical report of the Students Assessment of Course Instruction for my Fall 2008 courses.


A scanned copy of these reports is provided here.


A. Analysis of Statical Reports of the Students Assessments:

A close study of the statistical reports shows that majority of my students have responded either "strongly agree" or "agree" to all the questions/statements for all courses, except number 9 on the student opinion survey. (This is indicated by an overall average of 4.00 or above.)

The questions/statements in the survey are listed below:


  • Question 1: Organized presentation

  • Question 2: Distributed Course Syllabus

  • Question 3: Grade criteria defined and followed

  • Question 4: Concern for student progress

  • Question 5: Communicated clearly

  • Question 6: Satisfied with knowledge gained

  • Question 7: Effective learning environment

  • Question 8: Student expression encouraged

  • Question 10: Class time used constructively

  • Question 9: Various teaching methods used

  • Question 11: Students helped outside of the classroom

  • Question 12: The timely return of graded work

  • Question 13: Course content Clear, accessible

  • Question 14: Sufficiently prepared for the class

  • Question 15: Students treated fairly

  • Question 16: Time to complete assignments

  • Question 17: Course material appropriate

  • Question 18: Instructor interested in the subject

  • Question 19: Policies in syllabus followed

  • Question 20: Would take instructor again

A copy of the statistical report summarizing all the five assessments is provided here.



B. Actions Taken to Improve Teaching:

The following provides a list of actions I have taken since Fall 2008 in order to correct areas which my students were not completely satisfied with:

  • I have co-developed a new IT Teaching/Learning Tool, (External Linux Server) and have been using that tool in my web programming courses as explained in item 4B above. This new technology has made my web programming courses much more interesting for the students. Also, it has provided CCBC students with an IT hardware and software tool which can be used both at CCBC and at home!

    A copy of the PowerPoint presentation about this IT teaching/learning tool and its effectiveness at NISOD 2013 is provided here.


  • I have provided my students in each course with information about websites which my students can use as references to assist them in completing their weekly projects, mid-term project, final project and tests. The following highlighted items provides examples of such websites now used by my students in my classes:



  • I have included multimedia instructional material, already available at no cost or a very low cost on the web, in my lectures. An example of such a site is available here.


  • I have encouraged more question/answer in my classes since use of educational technology and online instructional material, as explained above, have provided me with more class time for question/answer. Also, use of technology and online instructional material have allowed me to implement active learning methods in my classes.

    A brief description of Active Learning is available here.




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