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WUF (World Universities Forum) 2014


  • Presentation Location: World Universities Forum 2014, Seventh Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.


  • Title and Description of the Presention:


                                            Not on My Network, You Don't! But May I Try This?:

An Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning Technology


Prof. Heidie Ganjineh Hutchinson, Community College of Beaver County, United States.

The workshop provides technical information about the server and its configuration, demonstrates the technology, and provides measures for effectiveness of such a technology tool. Please bring your mobile device to session.


  • Presentation Catagory: Technology

  • Session Type: Workshop

  • Date and Time: Friday, Jan 10, 2014, 14:20-15:05.


(Source: The Seventh World Universities Forum, 9-10 January 2014| University of Lisbon| Lisbon, Portugal Page 28.)



  • Goals, Objectives, and Process of  the Presentation:

Having had success with presenting with our new IT Teaching/Learning tool at NISOD 2013 and CCAC SFI 2013, I submitted a proposal to World Universities Forum to present our new technology, at their Seventh Annual Conference, in Lisbon.


My submitted proposal was accepted and my presentation was one of their "Workshop" sessions, at the WUF Seventh Annual Conference at Lisbon, Portugal.


A link to my bio at World University Forum/Common Grgound Publishing Company is available here.

A copy of our PowerPoint Presentation is available here.

A copy of Conference Program 2014 (Full Program) is available here.

A copy of Conference Program 2014 (Abstracts) is available here.



  • Our Teaching/Learning Tool as Shareware:

The educators attending our presentation were encouraged to contact me in order to get an extranal hard drive containing our unique Unix configuration which I had used in my classes, provided that the would pay for the cost of the 1 tera byte external drive (retail price was just under $100.00).





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