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Curriculum Development, Years 1991-1996

New Curriculum: Computer Information Systems/Telecommunications:

This new curriculum was offered from academic year 1990-1991 through academic year 1995-1996. The curriculum included development of 5 new courses and the revision of 3 courses. I was responsible for the development of all 5 of these new courses and the revisions of all 3 of these existing courses.

This curriculum provided the students with training and skills in:

  • Using microcomputer software productivity tools: electronic spreadsheets, word processor, and database management systems

  • Telecommunications concepts and applications

  • Programming in CICS (Customer Information Control System), a language used in businesses, especially in banks

  • Programming in Pascal language, a language widely used for engineering applications

  • Programing in C language using Unix operating system

  • LAN (Local Area Networks) using microcomputer hardware and software technology

  • Programming the middle-ware necessary to allow communications between a LANs and a server using BSD Unix as the operating system


A copy of the curriculum description and curriculum outline is available here.






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