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Curriculum Development, Years 2001-2005

As the CIS/Telecom Curriculum attracted more and more students, it was decided to create "tracks" within the CIS/Telecom Curriculum, with concentration on Networking, Programming, and Web Master:


New Curriculum: The "Networking" Track of Computer Information Systems/Telecom:

This new curriculum was offered from academic year 2001-2002 through academic year 2004-2005. This curriculum included development of 6 new courses. I was responsible for the development of 5 of these new courses.

This new curriculum led to the employment of a new full-time CIS/Telecom faculty member, Drew Campbell, who had training and job experience in computer networking using Cisco Networking Technology.

This curriculum provided the students with training and skills in:

  • Client and server operating systems using Windows operating system

  • PC hardware, upgrade, and trouble shooting

  • Creating and maintaining networks using Cisco networking technology

  • The training necessary for industry standard certifications: A+, Network+, etc.

     A copy of the curriculum description and curriculum outline is provided here.



Revised Curriculum: The "Programming" Track of Computer Information Systems/Telecom:

This revised curriculum was offered from academic year 2001-2002 through academic year 2004-2005. The curriculum included development of 3 new courses and revision of 1 course. I was responsible for the development of 2 of these new courses, and the revision of the 1 exiting course.

This curriculum provided the students with training and skills in:

  • Internet and the World Wide Web concepts and usage as research tools

  • Creating web pages using FrontPage as web software development tool

  • Using Microsoft Office as software productivity tools used in offices in business

  • Visual Programming using Basic and C ++

  • Web Programming using Java language

  • Analyzing, designing, and developing databases using Microsoft Access

     A copy of the curriculum description and curriculum outline is available here.



New Curriculum: The "Web Master" Track of Computer Information Systems/Telecom:

This new curriculum was offered from academic year 2001-2002 through academic year 2004-2005. This curriculum included development of 6 new courses. I was responsible for the development of all 6 of these new courses.

This curriculum provided the students with training and skills in:

  • Internet and the World Wide Web concepts and their usage as research tools

  • Creating web pages using FrontPage as web software development tool

  • Using Microsoft Office as software productivity tools used in offices in business

  • Web Programming in Java language

  • Creating web applications using web languages (HTML, JavaScript, ASP, JSP) with connectivity to databases

  • Analyzing, designing, and developing E-Commerce applications

     A copy of the curriculum description and curriculum outline is provided here.

     Also, the actual Curriculum Committee Form for the new Web Master curriculum is provided here.



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